Do you have student loans in college? Are you working full time and cash-flowing college? How do you like it? What do you think are the pros and cons of working while going to school? Does it take longer?
Do you plan on going on? If you finished your degree faster by not working, taking more classes would that increase your income?
Question about loans and income I've deeply contemplated. My DH and I are taking out loans and cash flowing his MBA. But we specifically chose our route because it would more than 2x his income when done.
Second, where we live there are no public MBA programs, so he's at a private university, and well it's expensive.
Third, we want kids, so if he continued part-time cashflowing only, he'd take 6 years instead of 2.5 years. This weighted heavily.
So I'm curious what you are using currently to live on? Are you working full time and going to school part-time? Or school full time and part-time work?
I realize that area where you live makes a difference. So MT (montana) is probably cheaper than where we live Mass. But thanks for the input. Look forward to hearing some answers.
I'm 29, married, and as the title of the blog suggests, I'm a football nut, technology junkie, and a knitter all at once. I am a store manager in the cell phone industry.
Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal. And nothing on Earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude. - Thomas Jefferson
Yay Shel, that's a great accomplishment! :D
Do you have student loans in college? Are you working full time and cash-flowing college? How do you like it? What do you think are the pros and cons of working while going to school? Does it take longer?
Do you plan on going on? If you finished your degree faster by not working, taking more classes would that increase your income?
Question about loans and income I've deeply contemplated. My DH and I are taking out loans and cash flowing his MBA. But we specifically chose our route because it would more than 2x his income when done.
Second, where we live there are no public MBA programs, so he's at a private university, and well it's expensive.
Third, we want kids, so if he continued part-time cashflowing only, he'd take 6 years instead of 2.5 years. This weighted heavily.
So I'm curious what you are using currently to live on? Are you working full time and going to school part-time? Or school full time and part-time work?
I realize that area where you live makes a difference. So MT (montana) is probably cheaper than where we live Mass. But thanks for the input. Look forward to hearing some answers.
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